Publisher - Apply Now!

Yes, the application phase for the TOMMI Children's Software Award 2024 has begun

What can publishers submit this year?

Apps, electronic toys, PC and console games, educational software or products for the Kindergarten & Preschool special prize. The age limit is USK 12. All products that were or will be newly launched on the market from October 20, 2023 to December 3, 2024 and are still available until at least December 31, 2024 are eligible to participate.

The closing date for entries is August 14, 2024, with late entries possible.

For a smooth process we need from you per submitted title 20 games or codes, as well as the completed ONLINE registration form. The submitted games will remain with the expert jury. In case of nomination by the expert jury, additional games and codes will be needed for the children and youth jury in the library. More detailed information will follow.

APP codes: App codes are accepted for iOS and Android. Please wait until we get back to you before sending them so that the codes do not expire.

For physical games: Due to the summer vacations, please do not send submissions before July 15, 2024 to:
Thomas Feibel
Keyword: TOMMI
Jenaerstr. 15
10717 Berlin

    Submission details

    Category (multiple selection possible)

    Contact address

    Billing address (if different)

    Contact person

    Media material

    For press relations we have:

    Conditions of participation
    USK limit: USK 12
    Closing date: August 14, 2024 (latecomers possible)
    Price: The entry fee per title is 299 euros plus VAT.
    Other prices for series titles and submissions from pupils and students. Please contact us for more information.