Children's Software Award 2024
Inclusion at TOMMI
TOMMI inclusive - a work in progress
All children, regardless of disability or ability, have a fundamental right to play and social participation. In order to meet this requirement, the TOMMI also includes tests with inclusive groups. Children with and without disabilities test the PC and console games nominated for the TOMMI together in libraries. They work out how good these games are in terms of accessibility in the areas of vision, hearing, comprehension and control. Only some of the TOMMI libraries are still taking part, but this is also a longer process in order to establish the "TOMMI inclusive" in the long term.
Interested special schools and groups are welcome to contact the participating TOMMI libraries. Click here to go to the libraries.
Cooperation with Gaming without Borders (GOG)
The test phase was overseen by the Gaming without Borders initiative in three inclusive game test groups in the greater Cologne area. This project brings together children and young people with and without disabilities to test games for accessibility. The findings from these tests provide parents and professionals with reliable guidance and well-founded recommendations for the inclusive use of games. "Gaming without Borders" is a multi-award-winning project of the Fachstelle für Jugendmedienkultur NRW. It is highly committed to the participation of people with disabilities in digital games. Further information can be found at
Which games are how far along in terms of inclusion?
Ten TOMMI-nominated PC games and ten nominated console games were tested. A lot has happened in the games industry in terms of accessibility, but there are still only a few games that are convincing in three or four categories (vision, hearing, comprehension, physical impairment). With these tests, we want to encourage the games industry to give greater consideration to the issue of accessibility right from the conception phase.
The console games tested in 2024


The game already does this well:
- It can also be played without an auditory level
We wish:
- Sound settings.

The game does this well:
- The controls are well explained by an interactive tutorial
- Useful help
- Important elements are highlighted
- The game regularly saves itself
- Visual support for vibration puzzles
We wish:
- More explanations for new game actions
- It is playable without an auditory level

The game already does this well:
-Strong color contrasts
-Important elements are highlighted
We would like to see:
- More settings for the visual layer
- More non-visual hints
- Sound for the control hints
- Possibilities to zoom in

The game already does this well:
- No complicated key combinations
- Alternative controls to use only one joystick
We wish for:
- Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks

That already makes the game good:
- It can also be played without an auditory level
We would like:
- Sound settings for music and noises

That makes the game good:
- The game was understandable for all players
- Interactive tutorials
- Game sections can be skipped
- No complicated key combinations
- No complicated language
- The game can be interrupted at any time and saves automatically
- Explanation of the controls visually illustrated and accompanied by pictures
- Understandable even without texts
- Text of the chat flowers set to music
- Explanation of the controls illustrated
- On-screen texts can be clicked on at your own speed
We would like:
- setting of all texts to music

The game already does this well:
- Important game elements are highlighted
- Differentiation of game elements not only by color
We would like:
- More non-visual information
- Enlargement options
- Sound for all texts
-High-contrast and enlargeable font

That makes the game good:
- Button assignment can be changed
- Controller vibration can be switched off
- Motion control can be switched off
- No complicated button combinations
We would like:
- Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks


That makes the game good:
- It is also playable without an auditory level
- Screen texts

The game already does this well:
- Interactive tutorials in all levels and all levels can be replayed as often as you like
- No complicated key combinations
- The game saves automatically after each level
- Hints in speech bubbles
- Important words are highlighted in color in the texts - On-screen texts can be clicked on at your own speed
We would like to see:
- Soundtracks for the texts
- Orientation aids
- Puzzle aids

The game already does this well:
- hints via sounds and vibration
We would like:
- Adjustable contrasts
- Orientation aids
- Soundtrack for texts
- More non-visual information

That makes the game good:
- Buttons always have the same function
- Adjustable vibration level
- No complicated button combinations
We wish:
- Buttons always have the same function
- Adjustable vibration level
- No complicated button combinations


That already makes the game good:
- It is also playable without an auditory layer
- Sound settings for music, sound effects, environment, voices, UI, instruments

That makes the game good:
- Display duration of speech bubbles can be extended
- Easy-to-read font can be set
- Interactive tutorial
- Current task can be called up at any time
- All items in the inventory are described
- Tips and hints via text if you are in the wrong place
- Unimportant dialogs can be skipped
- Screen texts can be clicked on at your own speed
We would like to see:
- setting the texts to music
- orientation aids

That makes the game good:
- High-contrast font
- Color contrast can be increased
- Large font adjustable
- Easier to read font adjustable
- Important buttons and elements to interact with are highlighted
We would like to see:
- Soundtracks for the texts
- Orientation aids
- More non-visual information

The game already does that well:
- No complicated button combinations
We wish:
- Customizable controls
-Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks


That already makes the game good:
- It is also playable without an auditory level
-Sound settings for overall sound, videos, speech, music, sound effects
- Adjustable screen texts

That makes the game good:
- Soundtrack for the texts
We would like to see:
- A clearer game world
- Help with completing the tasks
- An explanation of the keys and an interactive tutorial
- Less complicated key combinations

The game does that well:
- Setting the texts to music
We would like:
- More contrasts
- Clearer menu
- Fewer design elements
- More non-visual information

The game already does this well:
- movement with joystick or by tapping/clicking on the screen
We wish:
- Customizable controls


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio level.
- On-screen texts

The game already does this well:
- The game can be paused at any time
-Interactive tutorial
- Important words are highlighted in color in the texts
- Orientation aids with minimap and symbols
- Explanations of the controls, with text and videos, available at any time
- On-screen texts can be clicked on at your own speed
We would like to see:
- More save options
- Skipable game sections
- Soundtrack for the texts

The game already does this well:
- High-contrast font
- Hints via sounds and vibration
- Orientation aids on the mini-map
We would like to see:
- More setting options, e.g. for magnification
- Sound for the texts
- Adjustable contrasts
- More non-visual information

The game already does this well:
- No complicated button combinations
- Motion control can be switched off
- Vibration can be switched off
- Adjustable joystick sensitivity
We would like:
- Customizable control
- Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio layer
- Subtitles with customizable size
- Sound settings for overall, music, dialogue and effects

The game already does this well:
- The game saves automatically
- The menu is clearly laid out
- Explanation of the controls can be called up in the menu at any time
- Important game elements are highlighted with an arrow
We would like to see:
- More puzzle aids
- Skipable puzzles
- Soundtrack for the entire text in German
- Orientation aids
- Room names in German
- In-game control explanations

The game already does this well:
- High-contrast font
- Dialogs are spoken in English
We would like to see:
- The entire text set to music in German
- Support for low-contrast passages
- More non-visual hints

The game already does this well:
- No complicated button combinations
- Vibration can be switched off
- No time-critical controls
We would like:
- Customizable control
- Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks


The game already does this well: We wish: |

The game already does this well:
- Training mode with adjustable difficulty level
- Stunt explanations with video and text
- Information in the HUD can be switched on and off individually
- Opponent difficulty adjustable
- Steering assistance, braking assistance, acceleration assistance, rear steering assistance, drift assistance, launch assistance adjustable
We would like:
- Soundtrack for stunt list and button explanations
- Intuitive, clear menu
- German voice output

The game already does this well: We would like: |

The game already does this well:
- Customizable button assignment
- Trigger effect (high/low) can be adjusted
- Adjustable vibration level
- Adjustable steering aid, brake aid, acceleration aid, rear steering aid, drift aid, launch aid
We would like:
- Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio layer.
- Sound settings for overall, music, effects and film sequences
- Subtitles
- Important elements are displayed visually

The game already does this well: We wish: |

The game already does this well: We would like to see: |

The game already does this well:
- Customizable key mapping
We wish:
- Automations for pressed and held keys
- Less complicated key combinations
- Supporting setting for time-critical control
- Automation for quick key presses
The PC games tested in 2024


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio layer.
- Sound settings for overall, music, effects and film sequences
- Subtitles
- Important elements are displayed visually

The game already does this well: We wish: |

The game already does this well: We would like to see: |

The game already does this well:
- Customizable key mapping
We wish:
- Automations for pressed and held keys
- Less complicated key combinations
- Supporting setting for time-critical control
- Automation for quick key presses


That already makes the game good:
- It is also playable without an auditory layer
- Sound settings for music, sound effects, environment, voices, UI, instruments

That makes the game good:
- Display duration of speech bubbles can be extended
- Easy-to-read font can be set
- Interactive tutorial
- Current task can be called up at any time
- All items in the inventory are described
- Tips and hints via text if you are in the wrong place
- Unimportant dialogs can be skipped
- Screen texts can be clicked on at your own speed
We would like to see:
- setting the texts to music
- orientation aids

That makes the game good:
- High-contrast font
- Color contrast can be increased
- Large font adjustable
- Easier to read font adjustable
- Important buttons and elements to interact with are highlighted
We would like to see:
- Soundtracks for the texts
- Orientation aids
- More non-visual information

The game already does that well:
- No complicated button combinations
We wish:
- Customizable controls
-Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio layer
- Subtitles with customizable size
- Sound settings for overall, music, dialogue and effects

The game already does this well:
- The game saves automatically
- The menu is clearly laid out
- Explanation of the controls can be called up in the menu at any time
- Important game elements are highlighted with an arrow
We would like to see:
- More puzzle aids
- Skipable puzzles
- Soundtrack for the entire text in German
- Orientation aids
- Room names in German
- In-game control explanations

The game already does this well:
- High-contrast font
- Dialogs are spoken in English
We would like to see:
- The entire text set to music in German
- Support for low-contrast passages
- More non-visual hints

The game already does this well:
- No complicated button combinations
- Vibration can be switched off
- No time-critical controls
We would like:
- Customizable control
- Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks

PRIM (Application Systems Heidelberg)

The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio level.
- Sound settings for music, sound and voice output
- Subtitles

The game already does this well:
- "Confirm dialog text yourself" is adjustable
- Saves automatically and can be paused at any time
- Interactive tutorial
- Soundtrack for the texts
We would like to see:
- Skippable levels
- More orientation aids
- More puzzle aids
- Highlighting of important elements.

The game already does this well:
- Adjustable text size
- Sound for texts
- "Confirm dialog text yourself" is adjustable
- Only in grayscale
We would like:
- Highlighting of important elements
- Contrast adjustable
- More orientation aids
- Setting option for font in color
- More non-visual hints.

The game already does this well:
- The game could be controlled by everyone in the test
- Only playable with mouse/joystick and click
- Button does not have to be held down
- No time-critical control
- Controller sensitivity adjustable.


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio level.
- Sound settings for overall, music, effects and ambience
- On-screen text

The game already does this well:
- Automatically saves
- Screen texts can be clicked on at your own speed
We would like:
- Orientation aids
- Help with the implementation of the tasks
- Highlighting of important elements
- Setting the texts to music
- Puzzle aids
- More orientation aids

The game has a lot of visual barriers.
We would like to see:
- Highlighting of important elements
- Clearer game design
- Adjustable contrasts
- High-contrast font
- Text with sound
- Adjustable text size
- EnlargementsMore non-visual hints

What the game does well:
- The game could be controlled by everyone in the test
- Only playable with mouse/joystick and click
- Buttons do not have to be held down


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio level.
- Relevant information with subtitles
- Sound settings for music and sound effects.

The game already does this well:
- Clear menu
- Levels are repeatable
- Buttons always have the same function
We would like:
- Puzzles
- Pause the game
- Explanation of the controls available at any time. -

The game already does this well:
- Highlighted objects provide orientation
- Font on background with lots of
- Contrast
We would like to see:
- Sound for the texts
- Color blind mode
- More non-visual hints

The game already does this well: We would like to see: |


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an auditory level
- Easy-to-read subtitles with pictograms
- Overall sound settings, music, ambient sounds, speech and effects.

What the game does well:
- The game was understandable for all players in the test.
- Clear menu
- Buttons always have the same function
- Texts are supplemented by pictograms
- No complex language
- Saves automatically
- Dialogs set to music
- Screen texts can be clicked on at your own speed
We would like to see:
- Complete soundtrack and translation into German
- Texts in the dialog options in addition to the pictograms

The game already does this well: We wish: |

The game already does this well:
- Control with movement buttons/joystick and two additional buttons
- No complicated button combinations
- Vibration can be switched off
We wish:
- Customizable controls


The game already does this well: We wish: |

The game already does this well:
- Training mode with adjustable difficulty level
- Stunt explanations with video and text
- Information in the HUD can be switched on and off individually
- Opponent difficulty adjustable
- Steering assistance, braking assistance, acceleration assistance, rear steering assistance, drift assistance, launch assistance adjustable
We would like:
- Soundtrack for stunt list and button explanations
- Intuitive, clear menu
- German voice output

The game already does this well: We would like: |

The game already does this well:
- Customizable button assignment
- Trigger effect (high/low) can be adjusted
- Adjustable vibration level
- Adjustable steering aid, brake aid, acceleration aid, rear steering aid, drift aid, launch aid
We would like:
- Automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks


The game already does this well:
- The game can also be played without an audio level.
- Sound settings for dialog, music and effects
- Subtitles

What the game already does well:
- Repeatable, interactive tutorial
- Four difficulty levels
- Control hints
- Orientation aids with map and visual hints
- Important objects are highlighted
- Dialogs are set to music
- Tutorial aids can be displayed
- Saves automatically
We would like:
- Clearer menu
- Soundtrack for all texts
- Explanation of the difficulty levels

The game already does this well:
-Relevant elements are highlighted
- Orientation aids
- Dialogs are set to music
We would like
- More non-visual information
- Enlargement options
- Sound for all texts

The game is already good at this:
- Keeping the mouse pressed while grooming can be switched on and off
- Vibration can be switched off
- Riding control also possible with the mouse
- Difficulty levels support the controls
We would like to see:
- Customizable controls
- More automation for pressed and held buttons/joysticks-
Automatic camera guidance can be switched on


The podcast is not accessible for people with hearing impairments.
We would like:
- Subtitles
- Sound settings to reduce background noise .

We wish for:
- Simple language

The podcast does not require a visual layer.

The game already does this well:
- The sound files can be started with one click

Just dance 2024 (UBISOFT)

The game already does that well:
- Sound settings for the menu, music and sound effects
- Controller vibration sets the beat
- Lyrics can be faded in and out
We wish:
-Smartphones set the pace with vibration.

The game already does this well:
- The movements are demonstrated
- The songs are played in the menu
- The difficulty of the dance is displayed in advance
- Scoring feedback, pictograms and song lyrics can be shown and hidden
We would like:
- Explain the use of smartphones as control devices with pictures or videos

The game already does this well:
- Important elements are highlighted in color
- Controller vibration sets the pace
We would like to see:
- More non-visual cues for the dance steps
- High-contrast text
- Enlargeable text or soundtrack
- Unimportant image elements can be toned down or hidden.

What makes the game so good:
- Control via smartphone and controller at the same time
- Can also be played with the cell phone camera or with the cell phone in your handCan also be played while sitting down
We wish for:
- Alternative control, without movements