Kitas, apply now!

The application period for the TOMMI Kindersoftwarepreis Kita: Best Media Concept ends on 29.10.2023.

What can Kitas submit in 2023?

The "Förderpreis Kindergarten" is now called TOMMI Kindersoftwarepreis Kita: Best Media Concept. This
important award is given for good digital concepts in kindergartens: In cooperation with the Auerbach Foundation and the media educator Prof. Dr. Stefan Aufenanger from the University of Mainz, proven and practical concepts for the use of digital media in daycare centers are sought that can serve as an example to other institutions.

The three winners will receive a cash prize totaling 1,500 euros for their facility.
The award ceremony will take place at the Kita-Onlinekongress 2024.

    Facility information

    Contact person



    Conditions of participation: Each institution may submit only one concept. The jury reserves the right to exclude a submission if the number of characters in the entry form is exceeded. The legal process is excluded. With the consent of the submitters, the data provided above will only be used for the purpose of the call for entries, will not be forwarded to third parties and will be deleted after the award ceremony.